Hayden Hall
Human Development Through Love And Service.
Working for humanity for over FIVE decades...
Hayden Hall is perhaps the longest-standing NGO in the Hills working for the empowerment of the rural and urban poor, especially women and children, and social justice in the Hills, from 1969 to-date.
We still realize, that after almost 53 years, it is what we do, and not what we say we will do, that counts in the lives of the marginalized and disadvantaged.
“I will hear what you say, but I will only believe what you do.”

“Give me a fish, and I will eat for a day. Teach me to weave, and I will eat for a lifetime.”

Since 1972, the Mother and Child Health Care Program (M.C.H) has been dedicated to providing assistance to underprivileged mothers.
At Hayden Hall, we adopt a lifecycle-based approach, implementing cost-effective initiatives that prioritize prevention and early intervention. Our focus is on four crucial stages of life: pregnancy, early childhood, adolescence, and old age.
We adapt our health services to meet evolving needs. From promoting women’s health and nutrition during and after pregnancy to facilitating safe deliveries and ensuring complete child immunisation, our efforts extend beyond traditional healthcare. We also address critical issues such as: alcoholism, domestic violence, and abuse, empowering women as leaders within their communities

Hayden Hall’s Education Department has been dedicated to providing access to quality education for underprivileged children.
The program caters to children at all levels – beginners, intermediate, and advanced, fostering holistic development among them. Scholarships are also awarded to girl child and to exceptional students who excel in their studies and require financial assistance.
Enrolment in the Education Program requires mothers to become members of the Mother & Child Health (MCH) Program. As part of their commitment, mothers contribute one day of service per month to programs like “Crèche” and “Strive.” During these days, they assist with daily chores and childcare, promoting a sense of community and cooperation. Parent-teacher meetings are held regularly, providing a platform to discuss various topics like hygiene, saving strategies, health, and other pertinent issues.

Hayden Hall is committed to protecting children and adolescents in Darjeeling, Kalimpong, and tea gardens, with a focused approach on Gender
and Child Protection. We take decisive action to strengthen safety nets and prevent child labour and trafficking at the village and community levels. Hayden Hall actively engages children, parents, and stakeholders in dialogues to address issues related to child exploitation and collaborates with the government to provide outreach to children in dire need of care. The initiative is designed to raise awareness about child rights and establish essential linkages with various government schemes for at-risk children. Hayden Hall’s unwavering mission is to create a secure and nurturing environment for children, ensuring their well-being.

Hayden Hall launched the Functional Literacy Program in 1975, which has evolved into the Women & Youth Empowerment Program.
Its goal is to improve the socio-economic conditions of underprivileged women by equipping them with valuable skills for economic activities.
The Women & Youth Empowerment Program emphasizes income generation through skill training, with a focus on weaving, carpet making, knitting, sewing, and jute integrated products. These activities are part of a comprehensive livelihood program that enables women to learn new skills and improve their financial independence. Additionally, the program used to provide literacy education to women in its early days.